Kolkata Flood Forecasting and Early Warning System

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Urban flooding is a global phenomenon posing a big challenge for many of our countries due to insufficient drainage infrastructure. Problems connected with urban floods range from localized to significant incidents, resulting in cities being inundated for several hours to several days. The overflow-related impact can be widespread, including damage to civic properties, relocation of people, deterioration of water bodies, the spread of epidemics, and so on.

Tarutium (formerly Taru), supported by ADB, has led the development of a comprehensive flood early warning system in Kolkata to address urban flooding issues. The IoT-powered system provides real-time forecasts on rainfall and inundation levels, climate, and environmental data, strengthening city resilience.

The flood forecasting and early warning system is India's first-ever comprehensive city-level early warning system, designed to provide forecasts and real-time updates from sensor nodes. The system is singular in that it is accompanied by environmental and weather sensors for year-round environmental monitoring, providing information on temperature, humidity, and air quality across the city. “

The ultrasonic sensors fixed at key points across the city, such as hot spots identified as vulnerable to inundation during flood events, canals, pumping stations, traffic junctions, and schools, will send real-time data to a cloud-based dashboard. The input will be automatically analyzed using Kolkata's global information system data. Risk information will then be shared with citizens and community groups through mobile alerts and radio/television messaging to help them plan their daily activities, such as commuting, based on early warning and real-time inundation status.

Tarutium has also developed a web platform and app to collect and analyze the data, available at https://www.kflood.in.
The information availed from the sensor nodes will help facilitate informed decision-making before, during, and after an event of a disaster. This comprehensive city-level disaster and environmental monitoring can be used to address more significant urban climate variability-related challenges. They will reduce economic loss and impacts on livelihood, improving flood awareness and safety at the community level.

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